Alexis leads the course “How to boost your creativity” at The School of Life and is involved in an MBA at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland as well as at The school w.

He also provides mentorship for start-ups from the HEC incubator at StationF and TechStars Paris, and intervenes on C8 every week to present the most creative innovations of the moment. He is the author of several books on creativity and innovation, including 2 hours to boost my creativity And Les 100 innovations that will change the world.

He is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and AgroParisTech.

Contact Alexis

There is nothing more complicated than innovation. But nothing could be more exciting.

Build. Improve. Fail. Understand. Listen To learn. And try again. Then let it be known. And finally find the development path that will change everything.

It's what has motivated me since I started my first business. And now in addition, helping other organizations do it.

In a nutshell: explore. The most beautiful job in the world.

Alexis Botaya

Alexis created Thin (k) novationThin(k)novation®, the creative conference to transform your employees into intrapreneurs

His reviews on C8

The best innovations of the moment, on William @midi

His latest book

Always on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship!

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Some achievements

Elocance startup

Ircam Amplify

2019 - Ongoing

Elocance is a mobile app that works like an “expresser”: it allows you to read with your ears everything you used to read with your eyes. Work documents, web articles, 15-page emails: all you need to do is load them into the app with a single click and you can immediately go for a run while listening to them. It's your phone that's reading to you!

DayaDaya logo

Daya Daya

2024 - en cours

DayaDaya est un service en ligne B2B conçu pour aider les entreprises à créer et partager des versions audio de tous leurs contenus : formations, newsletters, présentations, études et articles. Avec DayaDaya, les acteurs du contenu peuvent réengager leurs audiences en transformant toute la connaissance qu'ils produisent en formats audio plus accessibles et simples à consulter.


2019 - 2022 (techstars'22)

Chez eloaudio - une entreprise du portefeuille Techstars - nous pensons que chacun d'entre nous a un potentiel illimité. C'est pourquoi nous avons créé une application mobile qui permet à chaque utilisateur de stocker ses contenus favoris, de les classer en playlists, et de les écouter ensuite dès qu'il a 5 min: en faisant un footing, en préparant le dîner, etc. Histoire de ne jamais cesser d'apprendre.


2016 - 2017 (exit)

L'objectif de 2minbooks : rendre la connaissance plus accessible à tous ceux qui disposent de peu de temps pour lire. Une plateforme collaborative doublée d'un espace de recommandation, dédiés aux résumés de développement personnel, documents ou essais d'actualité, et créés sur la base d'un fantasme 100% franco-français  : pouvoir parler d'un bouquin sans l'avoir lu !

Soon Soon Soon startup

Soon Soon Soon

2010 - 2017 (exit)

Soon Soon Soon is a crowdsourced innovation platform that detects innovations all over the world thanks to a community of more than 1800 scouts in 19 countries. Soon Soon Soon then informs business decisions in terms of innovation by analyzing the major societal trends revealed by the most creative innovations of the moment.

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